A social commerce platform empowering creators and influencers with the power of NFTs.

Skills Deployed
  • NFT Marketplace Development
  • Art Contract Development
  • UI/UX for Platform
  • Auctions and Minting
Our Impact
Indi transforms art content into NFTs, allowing creators to monetize their passions with just one click!

NFT Marketplace

Indi is an NFT Marketplace exclusively designed for influencers and creators to mint NFTs. Utilizing their uploaded content on indi.com, creators can seamlessly transform it into NFTs.

Easy minting for crypto newbies

Once minted, creators can choose to put them on sale or auction. For Sale, they can mint more copies of the NFTs and set a price for users to buy.

Landing Page

The welcoming gateway to the platform. It offers convenient access to explore, discover, and immerse yourself in this captivating NFT collection.

Admin Dashboard

Your control center for managing and overseeing the intricate workings of the platform. Monitor user activity, track key metrics, and make informed decisions to ensure the smooth operation of the system. With this tool, you can efficiently keep an eye on applications, including those in total, approved, denied, and under review, ensuring a well-maintained and responsive system.

Creator Dashboard

As an artist or content creator, this powerful tool is your gateway to bringing your unique digital assets to life. You can easily mint, promote, and track the success of your NFT creations right from this hub.

Create NFT

Indie Marketplace is your one-stop selecting, minting, and publishing tokens without any extra hassle.

List NFT for Sale

Put your unique digital assets on the market. Easily showcase and offer your NFTs to potential buyers.

Collector Dashboard

Easily explore, manage, and proudly exhibit your valuable NFT collection. Easily keep track of your favorite digital assets, organize them by category and artist, and gain valuable insights into their current market value. Fully enjoy and manage your NFT investments, all in one convenient place.


Acquire exclusive digital assets from the Indi marketplace. Explore a diverse range of offerings, keep track of different bids to make informed decisions, make secure transactions, and instantly add these assets to your digital collection.

Check Purchase Status

Get real-time updates on your acquisition, from pending to confirmed, ensuring you're always in the know about your digital assets.

See More Work

NFTs created by your favorite creators and brands. A Web3 platform, backed by Sygnum, the pioneer digital asset bank across the globe.


Momint is an NFT marketplace where users can own tradable and traceable real-world assets. Momint directs its efforts toward the realm of solar energy.

Ready to Build?

Book a free consult with our senior team. We’ll advise you on the best approach to achieve your vision.

View the final product here: